Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...
for Jack Johnson to come back to Chicago!!!
Our first show ever!! May 7, 2002 -- waited 3 hrs+ to be front row at the Metro
The best part of all is meeting Jack after the show!!

Tickets to the greatest show ever!! June 6, 2003
Jack Johnson and Ben Harper

Front Row!!!!!

Plus, catching up with Jack after the show!!!

Amanda and I had a blast!

and so did Ty and Derek :)

So far we've saw Jack in concert 7 times ( front row 5) and gotten to meet him 4!!
Those were the days, hopefully we can add another show next year??!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to Mason

Happy Birthday Mason!! You are 2 years old!!

On the day of Abby's recital, Grammie Artherhults brought a copy of Grandma Chicken's dance picture from when she was little!! Grandma is the second from the right.

Abby's group recital picture
She's the top left

Abby's recital picture

What a difference a year makes!!
Mason's 1 yr portrait
Mason's 2 yr portrait--
action shot, he doesn't like being photographed by strangersAbby's 3 1/2 yr picture (Aug 2007)
I love this one :)
Abby's 4 yr portrait

Our family portrait for Mason's 2nd year of life. :) Doesn't he look mischievous??!!

Thanks for joining us!

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